1. ADAM MUKAYA, I believe I have outdone myself in this class and put a lot of effort in my final project. Plus I really got some good answers from the lawyer.
2. KRISTINE, ALBERTO has well organized final project. She met all requirements. Had most of her quotes from the book and some good responses.
3. Lopez-Estrada, Saul E. genius.
4. Nolan, Stanley S. great work Miss Stanley.
5. OYA, KORSYCA LN, good job. Awesome narrative.
6. CHESTER, LONNIE O. provide a good understanding of the project provided he had trouble getting a hold of an attorney. He is also have a good number of quotes from the book in relation to his narrative.
7. DIAMOND, VIVIAN did a wonderful job. Well laid out.
10. FERNANDEZ, RYAN LOUIS good blog.
11. JONES, C. J. Nice work. Quotes well identified.
12. Fernandez, Joanne Average. Not sure if she had all the 20 quotes.
18. CALESING, KATHERINE GAERLAN did not write much in her project. It was short. Am guessing she had problems with the attorney she spoke to.
KLATSKY, REBEKAH ANNE blog 3 and for not entered or answered
CASSARO, CHRISTINA R. has one of the final blogs not answered. There is little of quotes from the book and the Reasoning of Law is not narrative.
CRISSMAN, JAKE ALBERT Reasoning of the law blog is not answered and had only 4 blog entries..
ARMELLINO, STEPHEN JOESPH has no final project posted to his blog.
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